The UIU Plug-ins 2.0 offers SCCM administrators a combined option to run part of the UIU Package from the local machine while not downloading the full contents of the UIU Repository.
Configuring for hybrid content delivery sends a small UIU Components Package to the local machine which then accesses the much larger UIU Repository (including over 62,000 PnP IDs), as required for each individual PC, from the Primary Site. This allows for faster deployment times and reduced bandwidth and local storage requirements.
- Once you have established a UIU Repository, launch the UIUPM on your Primary Site server and add the plug-in elements to your Configuration Manager Console. Simply go to the “Microsoft --> System Center Configuration Manager” menu in the UIUPM, and select “Install Plug-in”.
- This will add the UIU task sequence elements to the SCCM console and generate two packages—a full UIU Repository package and a smaller UIU Components package.
- Enable the “Copy the content…” option in the Data Access tab of the package properties for the Universal Imaging Utility packages, and distribute the packages.
- Next, while editing a Task Sequence, select the option for “Universal Imaging Utility --> UIU Deployment Configuration” from the “Add” menu. Add this step before “Setup Windows and ConfigMgr” but after “Apply Operating System”. Preferably, the UIU Deployment Configuration is the last thing that runs before “Setup Windows and ConfigMgr”.
- To configure Hybrid Content Delivery (recommended for optimal deployments), select Configure Deployment Settings in the Task Sequence Editor, and then select the Universal Imaging Utility Components package as the Primary UIU Package and the Universal Imaging Utility Repository as the Secondary UIU package.
- Allow enough time for SCCM to finish distributing both UIU packages, and deploy away!
For the complete UIU Plug-ins 2.0 documentation, including more information on hybrid content delivery, please see the UIU Plug-ins 2.0 User Guides.