Symptoms: UIUPREP may hang while downloading driver files using HTTP/s during driver servicing operations. Resolution: Addressed a buffer overflow (>4Gb) issue.
Symptoms: UIU may fail to locate a UIU Repository when available on an external subnet. Resolution: UIU Content Location Request logic updated.
Details: UIUPrep now supports HTTP/s source locations, (including 1E Nomad discovered cache locations). Requirements: IP protocol access to desired source locations; Internet or Intranet. If the HTTP/s features are enabled you MUST have specified a database version using the requisite advanced switch. That switch is -driverudbname %filename%.udb. for example: “-driverudbname DB-24-09-10.udb” for the September 10th, 2024 release. This version must be available in any repository that a machine might chose from %UIURepository%\repository\*.udb 1E Nomad Application ONLY: UIUPrep will automatically determine which mode to use (HTTP, HTTPS, or SMB) based on the 1E Nomad settings discovered in the WinPE registry. Please contact UIU Support for additional detail specific to this environment. GENERAL FEATURES: Improvements to UIUPrep log file: The UIU Log location remains the same, however the logging format has changed. UIUPrep’s processes will now output in the standard CMTrace readable format, viewing with Notepad or other text editor is no longer recommended. Because of this, when viewing in CMTrace, there may now be additional information in the information section located at the bottom of the CMTrace window for any given logged item/line that is selected. Support has been included for WinPE version 10.1.26100.1 in order to support modern WADK versions.